Tel: 0845 257 7750

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Bedford Photocopiers

© Agile Office Systems Ltd

Tel : 0845 257 7750

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Before you can make any savings on your print and document related expenditure and before you can quantify the benefits of process improvements you need to know where your are today - your baseline.

At Agile we have over 20 years experience in measuring, benchmarking and improving company’s document related costs. Most businesses will track expenditure - fuel, salesman’s expenses, even postage and stamps but often they don’t track the cost and volume of their documents.

Why is that? There are many reasons why businesses don’t, below are a few examples:

Agile can offer the solution to those  problems and help you truly understand your document flow, the costs involved and where savings can be made. Audits range from simple measurement of usage and costs to full workflow analysis. Every business is different and every business has different needs and goals. That is why with an Agile Audit we will work out a bespoke audit plan and project manage it through to conclusion, providing you with the information which is key to your business.

Want to find out more? Or call us on 0845 257 7750